
Showing posts from November, 2017

Thursday, November 30th, 2017

Do Now: SSR Time (15 minutes) Complete log Grammar: Read "Predicate Adjectives" on Page 87 in Holt Handbook and complete notes sheet. the question process is the same as it is for predicate nominatives. 1) What is this sentence about (subject)? 2) What is the linking verb? ( Us linking verb list if necessary) 3) What (insert linking verb -- example: is, are, was, were) the subject? The answer will be an adjective this time and it will be your predicate adjective. Literature: Watch Romeo and Juliet video. I know every class left off in a slightly different spot. Tell the sub to fast forward to where you are. This is the link to Act 2, Part 1, but some classes may need the Part 2 video. It should be on the side of the screen in Youttube or you can search for it. (If the link does not work, search for Romeo and Juliet Act 2 Part 1) HOMEWORK Grammar Worksheet: Predicate Adjectives

Wednesday, November 29th, 2017

Do Now : If a genie granted you ten wishes, what would you wish for? You can make a list, but your list should be in complete sentences. For example, 1. I would wish for... Grammar: Holt Handbook Page 91 Review A Literature: Read Romeo and Juliet Act 4, Scene 5. We will review all important points together tomorrow. SSR: If you have time left, read your SSR book. Complete log. HOMWORK: Complete Romeo an Juliet Act 4.5 Questions. Read SSR book for a total of 30 minutes today. Any time you read in class today counts toward your 30minutes. Complete a log.

Tuesday, November 28th, 2017

Do Now - It is safe to say we know what will happen to Juliet by the end of Act 4, as she has every intention of carrying out Friar Laurence's plan. However, how will the other characters react to her "death"? Discuss how Capulet, Lady Capulet, Nurse, Paris, and Friar Laurence will feel when they discover Juliet is dead. Grammar - Complete Holt Handbook Page 78-79: Diagnostic Preview. IF THE SENTENCE HAS A LINKING VERB, YOU CAN IDENTIFY IT AS A SUBJECT COMPLEMENT SINCE WE HAVE NOT GONE OVER PREDICATE ADJECTIVES YET. Literature - Every class is in a slightly different spot for Romeo and Juliet. Please read through Act 4, Scene 4. We will read Scene 5 together tomorrow. Complete the Romeo and Juliet Questons through Act 4.4. Poetry - Read "Sonnet 33" by William Shakespeare You can access the link on your phones. Write a response journal -- you should have the directions in your notebook - but you are respond...

Monday, November 27th, 2017

Do Now If you had the power to turn yourself into any animal any time you wish, what animal would you turn into? Why would you choose this animal? What would you do? Read SSR book if you finish Grammar Review Direct Objects and Indirect Objects B on Smartboard Introduce Subject Complements and Predicate Nominatives ( Holt Handbook  page 85) Review Page 86: Exercise 4 together Literature Read Romeo and Juliet Act 4, Scene 4 Complete questions Poetry "Sonnet 33" by William Shakespeare Homework Grammar Worksheets: Subject Complements and Predicate Nominatives (two worksheets) Romeo and Juliet  Act 4, Scene 4 Questions

Wednesday, November 22nd, 2017

Do Now #16 Are you doing anything to celebrate Thanksgiving this weekend? What are you thankful for? Do you have any special family traditions for the holiday? Do you have any other special plans for the weekend? Grammar Review homework on Smartboard (Direct and Indirect Objects A) Literature Read Romeo and Juliet  Act 4, Scenes 1, 2, and 3 Complete questions Poetry "Sonnet 33" by William Shakespeare Homework Grammar Worksheet: Direct Objects and Indirect Objects B Complete Romeo and Juliet  Questions for the scenes that your class read Read SSR book for a total of ONE HOUR this weekend (You can do one 60 minute session or 2 30-minute sessions) Have a happy Thanksgiving! 

Tuesday, November 21st, 2017

Do Now Complete Holt Handbook Page 84: Review A in Grammar Section of notebook You are identifying the DIRECT OBJECTS and the INDIRECT OBJECTS (if there is one in the sentence).  Make sure you ask yourself the *magic questions* in your head to find the right answers! *Who is this sentences about? (This is how you find the subject) *What is the subject do? (This is how you find the action verb) *When you find the verb, ask what did the subject (insert verb here) Example: What did she TEACH? (The answer is your direct object) *When you find the Direct Object, ask who/what did the subject (insert verb) (insert direct object) to? The answer is your indirect object -- remember it will be after your verb but before your Direct Object WHEN YOU FINISH, READ YOUR SSR BOOK Grammar Review homework (Indirect Objects) on Smartboard Review exercise together Literature Introduce Act 4 Vocabulary Read Act 4, Scenes 1 and 2 Complete questions in full sente...

Monday, November 20th, 2017

Do Now SSR Time (15-25 minutes) Complete log Grammar Review Direct Objects on Smart Board Introduce Indirect Objects (page 83) Complete notes sheet Practice Page 84: Exercise 3 together Literature Read Romeo and  Juliet Act 4, Scene 1 Complete questions Poetry "Sonnet 33" by William Shakespeare Complete response journal Homework Grammar Worksheet: Indirect Objects Read SSR book (finish by 12/6)

Friday, November 17th, 2017

Do Now Take five minutes to re-read or practice your Presentation SSR Presentations Mrs. Crugnola's Videography students will be coming in to record the presentations as if you are real newscasters! Please be quiet and respectful! No background noise! Grammar Check and review Grammar Worksheet: Direct Object Poetry "Sonnet 33" by William Shakespeare Homework Read SSR book for November (30 minutes at some point this weekend)

Thursday, November 16th, 2017

Do Now Read SSR Book Complete log Grammar Holt Handbook  Objects of Verbs - Direct Objects (page 81)  Complete notes sheet Complete Page 82: Exercise 2 together Literature SSR Log Checks Watch Act 3 video Poetry "Sonnet 33" by William Shakespare Homework Grammar Worksheet: Direct Objects SSR PROJECTS DUE TOMORROW PRESENTATIONS TOMORROW MAKE SURE TO DRESS IN YOUR BUSINESS CASUAL ATTIRE! Read SSR Book (finish by 12/6)

Wednesday, November 15th, 2017

Do Now Study for five minutes for Romeo and Juliet Act 3 Quiz *Make sure you have no questions on the questions* *Make sure you study your vocabulary list* *You may use your questions, the text, and your vocabulary SENTENCES on your quiz* *Please FOLD your Vocabulary list  into QUARTERS and place it in your BACKPACK and ZIP it.* *If I see your Vocabulary list out, it will result in an automatic failure for this quiz* Literature Romeo and Juliet  Act 3 Quiz *Please complete your quiz in black or blue pen* *Please write your name, and the answers on the line* *You may use your questions, the text, and your sentences* *PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR VOCABULARY LIST IS IN YOUR BACKPACK* *If I see your Vocabulary list out, it will result in an automatic failure for this quiz* Romeo and Juliet Act 3 Video Poetry "Sonnet 33" by William Shakespeare Homework SSR Project due Friday Presentatio...

Tuesday, November 14th, 2017

Do Now Holt Handbook  Page 81: Oral Practice *Complete this exercise in the GRAMMAR section of your notebook* You will be adding COMPLEMENTS to the subject-verb pairs given; remember that  COMPLEMENT is a NOUN, PRONOUN, or ADJECTIVE. Please add any other necessary words (like articles, a, an, the) to the sentences to make them sound like good sentences. Read your SSR Book when finished Complete log *Finish NOVEMBER SSR book by 12/6* Grammar Review Grammar Worksheet: Complements on Smart Board Review Page 81 out loud together Literature Review Romeo and Juliet  Act 3 Questions Correct Romeo and Juliet Act 2 Quiz together Watch Romeo and Juliet  Act 3 video *Make sure your Act 3 sentences are finished in the vocabulary section of your notebook* ACT 3 QUIZ TOMORROW Poetry "Sonnet 33" by William Shakespeare Write a response journal Homework Romeo and Juliet  Act ...

Monday, November 13th, 2017

Do Now #14 If you could be any television show or movie character, who would you be? Why? What about this person's story interests you? *Read SSR Book when you are finished* *You should have a THIRD SSR book that you will be reading for the month of November - you must finish by 12/6* **SSR LOGS WILL BE CHECKED THIS WEEK FOR A TEST GRADE** Grammar Read and take notes on Holt Handbook  "Recognizing Complements" (page 79-80) Practice Page 80: Exercise 1 orally together *You do not have to write this exercise down in your notebook* *Please focus on the questions I am asking to determine the parts of the sentence* Literature Read Romeo and Juliet Act 3, Scene 5 (beginning with Capulet's speech) Review Act 3 Questions Watch Romeo and Juliet  Act 3 video if time permits *Make sure you have your ten sentences for Act 3 Vocabulary in your notebook* *Study for Act 3 Quiz TOMORROW* Poe...

Wednesday, November 8th, 2017

Veteran's Day - We will be in Room 1 today, due to Room 14 being used by our veterans for their breakfast and assembly. Thank you to the men and women who have served our country, especially Mr. Chiang! Do Now Read your SSR Book Complete log *You should be finishing your SSR book today!* SSR Project Introduce October SSR Project -- students will be given an explanation, grading checklist, and sample assignment. This will be posted on my website at a later date. The project will be due on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17TH, 2017 . YOU WILL PRESENT YOUR PROJECT THAT DAY, TOO. Grammar Review Sentence and Sentence Fragment Worksheet Literature Read Romeo and Juliet Act 3, Scene 5 Answer Questions for homework Homework Romeo and Juliet  Act 3, Scene 5 Questions SSR Project (due 11/17) Start reading THIRD SSR book for November (must finish by 12/6)

Monday, November 6th, 2017

Do Now #13 What new problems does Tybalt's death present in Romeo and Juliet's relationship? What do you think they will do to try to solve these problems? Read SSR Book when finished Complete log *You should be FINISHED or VERY CLOSE TO FINISHED with your SSR Book. You must finish by Wednesday.* Grammar Sentence and Sentence Fragment Practice (homework) Literature Discuss Do Now Introduce Romeo and Juliet  Act 3, Scene 3 Vocabulary Read Act 3, Scene 3 Answer Act 3, Scene 3 Questions for homework Homework Sentence and Sentence Fragment Worksheet (both sides) Romeo and Juliet Act 3, Scene 3 Questions Finish SSR Book NO SCHOOL TOMORROW (TUESDAY 11/7) FOR ELECTION DAY!

Friday, November 3rd, 2017

Do Now Study for five minutes for your Grammar Chapter 2-3 Quiz If you have any questions, ask them now. Grammar Chapters 2-3 Quiz Parts of Speech You will have the whole period to complete the quiz. Please complete the quiz in pen and check your work. You may use your homework packet and your notebook on the quiz. After you finish... Period 1... Bring me your quiz. Take a Grammar and and a Romeo and Juliet book. Place it under your desk in the basket. If you do not have a basket, please let me know, and I will provide you with one. Periods 3, 5, and 7 Place your quiz face down on your desk. Everyone You may work on one of the following things if and when you finish your quiz - Romeo and Juliet Act 3, Scenes 1-2 Questions Romeo and Juliet Act 3 Sentences (vocabulary section) Sonnet 30 Response Journal (poetry section) Read SSR book If you have finished your October book, you may do work for another class as long as you have it with you...

Thursday, November 2nd, 2017

Do Now Copy the TWO lists of prepositions on pages 66-67 into the Grammar Section of your notebook so you can use your on your QUIZ TOMORROW. Read SSR Book when finished. Complete log Grammar Review "Determining Parts of Speech" on Smartboard Literature Finish Act 3, Scene 1 Complete questions for homework Introduce Act 3, Scene 2 vocabulary Read Act 3, Scene 2 Complete questions for homework *Make sure you complete your vocabulary sentences for Act Three in the Vocabulary Section of your notebook* Poetry "Sonnet 30" by William Shakespeare Write a response journal Homework Study for Grammar Chapter 2-3 Quiz (TOMORROW) *Extra Help is offered today in Room 14 from 2:45-3:15* Complete Romeo and Juliet Act 3, Scenes 1-2 Questions Finish SSR book for October by 11/8 ****At this point SSR Projects for September are now OVER TWO WEEKS LATE. I have reminded students who did not...

Wednesday, November 1st, 2017

Do Now Read your SSR book *You have ONE WEEK to finish your SSR book for October!* Grammar Review "The Interjection" Introduce 'Determining Parts of Speech" (homework) Literature Interoduce Romeo and Juliet  Act Three Vocabulary Act our Improvisation Scene for Act 3, Scene 1 Read Act 3, Scene 1 Answer Act 3, Scene 1 Questions (homework) Poetry "Sonnet 30" by William Shakespeare Write Response Journal Homework Grammar Worksheet: Determining Parts of Speech GRAMMAR CHAPTER TWO AND THREE QUIZ ON FRIDAY *Extra help today in Room 14 2:40P.M.-3:10P.M.* Romeo and Juliet  Act 3, Scene 1 Questions Read SSR book *Finish by 11/8*