
Showing posts from January, 2018

Wednesday, January 31st, 2018

Do Now Complete Holt Handbook  Page 110: Exercise 11 in grammar section of notebook Copy "Broken Chain" vocabulary words ( Elements of Literature page 16) into vocabulary section *Include external conflict, internal conflict, retelling, and the five words in the vocabulary development box PERIOD 7 ONLY - Read from where we left off yesterday in "Broken Chain" (bottom of page 19) to the first paragraph on page 21. You should be able to answer the following question -- Where do Sandra's parents work? Grammar Review "The Infinitive Phrase" on the Smartboard Review Page 110 Literature Read "Broken Chain" by Gary Soto (page 17) Read "Meet the Writer" (page 25) Write a retelling of "Broken Chain"  Grammar Link: Apostrophes (page 28) Read "Informational Text: Analyzing Proposition and Support" (page 29) Read "Road Warriors: Listen Up" (page 30) Complete Test Practice (page 31...

Tuesday, January 30th, 2018

Do Now SSR Time (15 minutes) Complete log *You should be finishing your fifth book by the end of the week* *Project will be assigned next week* Use Retelling Rating Sheet to rate your partner's retelling Grammar Review "The Infinitive" on SmartBoard Introduce "The Infinitive Phrase" ( Holt Handbook page 109) Complete Page 110: Exercise 10 together Literature Read "Broken Chain" by Gary Soto (page 17) Read "Meet the Writer" (page 25) Write a retelling of "Broken Chain"  Grammar Link: Apostrophes (page 28) Read "Informational Text: Analyzing Proposition and Support" (page 29) Read "Road Warriors: Listen Up" (page 30) Complete Test Practice (page 31) *We will be working on "Broken Chain" for the rest of the week* Homework Grammar Worksheet: The Infinitive Phrase

Monday, January 29th, 2018

Do Now On Friday, you copied the first two paragraphs of the retelling/summary of "The Wise Old Woman". Use the Retelling Guide and the Retelling Rating Sheet ( Elements of Literature page 14-15) to finish the retelling. Be sure to keep the events in the appropriate order. If you finish or are already finished, read your SSR book. Grammar Review Grammar Worksheet: Participle or Gerund? on Smartboard Introduce "The Infinitive" ( Holt Handbook  page 108) Complete Page 109: Exercise 9 together Literature Read Elements of Literature  "Before You Read: 'Broken Chain'" (page 16) Read "Broken Chain" by Gary Soto (page 17) Read "Meet the Writer" (page 25) Write a retelling of "Broken Chain"  Grammar Link: Apostrophes (page 28) Read "Informational Text: Analyzing Proposition and Support" (page 29) Read "Road Warriors: Listen Up" (page 30) Complete Test Practice (page 31) ...

Friday, January 26th, 2018

PM Assembly Schedule Pep Rally! Today, you will have time in class to work on your Presentation Project with your partner or group. If you haven't already, you might want to do the following things: - Select a passage/scene for your presentation      *I do not have to approve this, but if you would like me to double check that it is appropriate for a          group of your size, please let me know. - Rewrite the scene into modern day English (if that is the route you are choosing to go) - Distribute parts based on how much each person in your group wants to read/perform - Practice scenes aloud with the appropriate tone of voice and inflection for the emotion that character is trying to convey.       * If you are unsure how a character would be saying something, please ask -- I will gladly guide           you. - Begin to think about what gestures and physical movements would be...

Thursday, January 25th, 2018

Do Now #30 If someone offered you a million dollars to swim in a tank for five minutes with a great white shark, would you do it? Why or why not? Give reasons for your choice. Grammar  Review Gerunds and Gerund Phrases A on Smartboard Literature Read "The Wise Old Woman" by Yoshiko Uchida (page 5) Read "Meet the Writer" (page 13) Practice Retelling (page 14) *We will be working on Plot, Retelling, and "The Wise Old Woman" all week* Homework Grammar Worksheet: Gerunds and Gerund Phrases B Please see Monday's post for a complete list of due dates

Wednesday, January 24th, 2018

Do Now Complete Holt Handbook  Page 108: Exercise 8 (in grammar section of notebook) *Please make sure you are using the phrases as gerunds (nouns), and not as verbs or as participles (adjectives).* Copy bold-faced vocabulary words ( Elements of Literature  pages 2-3) and their definitions into Vocabulary section of notebook. *Complications: The events of the plot that keep the characters from accomplishing their goals, makes the solving of the conflict more difficult, and moves the plot along Grammar Review Grammar Worksheet: The Gerund Phrase on Smartboard Review Page 108: Exercise 8 together Literature Introduce "Retelling: Summarizing the Plot" (page 4) Read "The Wise Old Woman" by Yoshiko Uchida (page 5) Read "Meet the Writer" (page 13) Practice Retelling (page 14) *We will be working on Plot, Retelling, and "The Wise Old Woman" all week* Homework Grammar Worksheet: Gerund and Gerund Phrases A Please see Mond...

Tuesday, January 23rd, 2018

Do Now #29 What is the most interesting (i.e. strangest, best, favorite, etc.) gift you have ever received? What made this gift special? SSR Time Complete log Grammar Review Grammar Worksheet: The Gerund on Smartboard Introduce "The Gerund Phrase" ( Holt Handbook  page 106) Literature Introduce "Plot" ( Elements of Literature   pages 2-3) Introduce "Retelling: Summarizing the Plot" (page 4) Read "The Wise Old Woman" by Yoshiko Uchida (page 5) Read "Meet the Writer" (page 13) Practice Retelling (page 14) *We will be working on Plot, Retelling, and "The Wise Old Woman" all week* Poetry Introduce Sonnet Project *First Grade of the Third Marking Period* Homework Grammar Worksheet: "The Gerund Phrase" Please see Monday's post for a list of complete due dates

Monday, January 22nd, 2018

Do Now Please take your Romeo and Juliet  Questions out! Use the next five minutes to study them in preparation for your test! Literature Romeo and Juliet  Test *You may use your questions *You will hand them in at the end of the period *You will have the whole period for the test *Please let me know if you would like to use the text as well, and I will provide you a copy. Fill out your Scan Tron Name: First and Last Subject: English 8 Test No.: R&J Date: 1/22/18 Period: 1-2, 2-3, 5-6, 6-7 Homework Read SSR Book (30 minutes) *Prepare to finish your FIFTH SSR book by 2/1 (you will get your next project around this date) Romeo and Juliet  Presentation Project due on February 9th *You will have two more class periods to work on this in class between now and then. If you require more time please make arrangements to work outside of class.

Friday, January 19th, 2018

Do Now If you have not handed in your SSR Log, please hand it in today. It will count as 1 day late (5 points off.) On Monday, it will count as three days later, and you will lose 15 points. Please make sure your name is on it. Please also hand in your Act 4 and Act 5 Quizzes if you made corrections or had a signature. You will not be able to hand them in for extra credit on Monday. ((Please collect separately.)) Note to the Substitute Teacher - You can stack the notebooks on the top of the cart in the front corner of the room. The students must hand it in at the beginning of the period. The ones on my desk should not be redistributed to students. If they read today or this weekend, they can log on separate piece of paper and log it in their logs later. Writing You may use the Chromebooks and this class period to write your Romeo and Juliet/West Side Story Compare and Contrast Essay. Please share it with me at when you are finished. Periods 1-...

Romeo and Juliet/West Side Story Compare and Contrast Essay

Your R&J/WSS Compare and Contrast Essay is due on Friday, January 19th, 2018 (exact time to be determined based on whether or not we use Chromebooks in class to complete the essay on Friday). Please title your document with your name and period number. Please SHARE it with by the time specified on Friday (end of class if we work on it in class, or 8:00P.M. if we do not). Remember, this will count as a TEST grade.

Thursday, January 18th, 2018

Do Now Read SSR Book (15 minutes) Complete log Grammar Introduce "The Gerund" ( Holt Handbook page 105) Complete Page 106: Exercise 6 HOMEWORK: Grammar Worksheet: The Gerund Literature Review Romeo and Juliet Act 4 Quiz *Make your corrections, preferably in a different color pen* *Have signed for homework* Up to TWO points extra credit *You must bring it back tomorrow* Homework Grammar Worksheet: The Gerund Romeo and Juliet / West Side Story  Compare and Contrast Essay due tomorrow *Please see separate post on sharing it with me* Please see Monday's post for a complete list of due dates


On a piece of white, lined paper, write your heading in the top left hand corner (Name, English 8, Period, Date). Complete all of your work in dark blue or black pen. This assignment is worth up to 10 points on your Grammar Chapter 4 Quiz. Label your work "Grammar Chapter 4 Extra Credit" Follow the following directions for each sentence. Underline and label each complement. Your sentences must be original. Do NOT use sentences from the homework. 1) Write a sentence with a direct object. 2) Write a sentence with a predicate nominative. 3) Write a sentence with a predicate adjective. 4) Write a sentence with an indirect object and a direct object. 5) Write a sentence without a complement. 6) Write a sentence with a compound indirect object and a direct object. 7) Write a sentence with a compound predicate nominative. 8) Write a sentence with a compound direct object. 9) Write a sentence with a compound predicate adjective. 10) Write a sentence with ...

Wednesday, January 17th, 2018

Do Now *Prepare for Benchmark Assessment *You must have a sharpened No. 2 pencil (it is a scantron test) * Nothing else belongs on your desk Benchmark Assessment *You will have 45 minutes to complete this test* DO NOT WRITE ON THE TEST IN ANY WAY Mark all answers on Scan Tron Name: First and Last Subject: English 8 Test No.: Bench Date: 1/17/18 Period: 1-2, 2-3, 5-6, or 6-7  Please bring me your test and scan tron when you are finished. At that time, please also bring your Grammar Worksheet: Participles and Participial Phrases B AND your SSR Project if you are handing it in a day late. Complete one grammar problem of your choice on SmartBoard Sit down and read SSR book until time is up Grammar Review Grammar Worksheet: Participles and Participial Phrases B on SmartBoard Homework Complete Romeo and Juliet/West Side Story Compare and Contrast Essay (due Friday) Read SSR Book (30 minutes) and complete log *You should have 665 minut...

Tuesday, January 16th, 2018

Do Now #28 Use Elements of Literature textbook. Re-read Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech (pages 483-484) if necessary. Answer Question #4 on page 486 as Do Now #28. "In his speech, King makes allusions (references) to the Declaration of Independence and to the patriotic song "My Country 'Tis of Thee." Why would King want to remind his audience of those things? Grammar Review Participles and Participial Phrases A on Smart Board Literature Review Benchmark Assessment Review Romeo and Juliet  Act 4 Quiz if time permits Homework Grammar Worksheet: Participles and Participial Phrases B Benchmark Assessment TOMORROW Please see Monday's post for a full list of upcoming due dates

Monday, January 15th, 2018

DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. DAY HALF DAY SCHEDULE Do Now Have you ever become friends with someone who didn't treat you nicely? Why did you do this? If this has never happened to you, write about a situation that is similar that you witnessed in a book, movie, or television show OR make something up OR write about why you would never be friends with someone who was not nice. Grammar Review Grammar Worksheet: The Participial Phrase Literature/Visual and Oral Literacy View Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" Speech on YouTube Be prepared to answer questions on this video tomorrow. Homework SSR Travel Brochure Project due tomorrow  *You have had two class periods in class that you could have devoted to this project. It should be on time and completed to the best of your ability, following the Grading Checklist you were given at the beginning of the month* Benchmark Assessments will...

Friday, January 12th, 2018

Do Now: SSR Time (15 minutes) Complete log Grammar: Complete Holt Handbook page 104: Oral Practice in Grammar Section. Yes, you are writing your sentence down even though it says oral. Complete next worksheet (Participial Phrases A) in class In-class Time to Work on Projects - You may work on your SSR Project (due Tuesday) - You may work on your Romeo and Juliet/West Side Story Compare and Contrast Essay (due Next Friday) - You may work on your Presentation Project (due February 9th) - You may read your SSR book. PLEASE USE YOUR TIME WISELY. THE SUB WILL WRITE DOWN THE NAMES OF ANYONE WHO IS NOT USING HIS OR HER TIME WISELY AND YOU WILL LOSE PARTICIPATION POINTS. Also, if you have left or leave your Romeo and Juliet copy in my classroom, it is mine and I am not reissuing you one. You will be able to find the text of the play on the Internet. Please see yesterday's post for upcoming due dates.

Thursday, January 11th, 2018

Do Now SSR Time (15 minutes) Complete log *SSR PROJECT DUE TUESDAY* *AIM TO FINISH YOUR FIFTH BOOK AROUND FEBRUARY 1ST* Grammar Review "The Participle" on the Smart Board Introduce Holt Handbook  "The Participial Phrase" (pages 102-103) Complete Page 103: Exercise 5 together in class (you do not have to write it down) Go over Grammar Chapter 4 Quiz (Complements) Please correct your answers, which should be done preferably in ANYTHING but dark blue or black ink or a regular pencil. If you don't have one, you are unprepared, but you should correct your answers anyway so you can earn up to 5 points extra credit. You may have your quiz signed by a parent tonight for 5 additional extra credit points. Homework Grammar Worksheet: The Participial Phrase Have Chapter 4 Quiz signed SSR Project due Tuesday Romeo and Juliet/West Side Story  Compare and Contrast Essay due Friday, January 19 Finish 5th SSR Book by February 1st Ro...

Wednesday, January 10th, 2018

Do Now SSR Time (15 minutes) Complete log *PROJECT FOR BOOK 3 OR 4 IS DUE ON JANUARY 16TH* *FINISH BOOK 5 BY FEBRUARY 1ST* Grammar Introduce Holt Handbook "Verbals and Verbal Phrases" - The Participle (page 101-102) Complete Page 102: Exercise 4 together  HOMEWORK: Grammar Worksheet - The Participle In-Class Time to Work You may work on one of the following assignments: *SSR Travel Brochure Project - due January 16th* * West Side Story/Romeo and Juliet  Compare and Contrast Essay - due January 19th* * Romeo and Juliet  Presentation Project - due February 9th* Homework Grammar Worksheet: The Participle SSR Travel Brochure due 1/16 WSS/R&J C/C Essay due 1/19 R&J Presentation Project due 2/9 Continue to read SSR Book

Tuesday, January 9th, 2018

Do Now Study for Romeo and Juliet   Act 5 Quiz for FIVE minutes *Please make sure you have your questions, sentences, and the book out* Literature Romeo and Juliet Act 5 Quiz *You may use your questions, your sentences, and the book* *Please take your quiz in black or dark blue pen* *Please FOLD your Vocabulary List and put it in your backpack -- if I see it out in any way during the quiz, this will result in an automatic failure* *When you finish, please bring your quiz up to me and complete TWO grammar questions on Smartboard* **You will have 20 MINUTES for your quiz** Grammar Review Adjective and Adverb Phrases A & B on Smart Board Romeo and Juliet  Presentation Project Introduce Project Sign out books PRESENTATIONS WILL BE FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9TH, 2018 *You will have ONE class period per week to work on your presentation in class. If you need more time, arrange with your groupmates (if you have them) to rehearse outside of class...

Monday, January 8th, 2018

Do Now Name two musical artists that you really like -- it can be a band/group or an individual singer. What are your reasons for liking their music? Grammar Review The Adjective Phrase and The Adverb Phrase Grammar Worksheets together HOMEWORK: Adjective and Adverb Phrases A & B *Try your best at Part A - determining whether the phrase is an adjective or adverb* *For Part B - Just underline the prepositional phrases* Writing Review how to write a Compare and Contrast Essay (Notes are under Resources -- the three little lines in the upper left hand corner -- on my website) In-class Writing Time for Romeo and Juliet/West Side Story  essay SHARE WITH ME AT BOGOTAENGLISH8@GMAIL.COM when you finish  (You may or may not have additional in-class writing time to finish this essay. Please finish at home.) HOMEWORK: Finish essay and share with me by January 19th *This will be a FINAL DRAFT and will count as a TEST GRADE. If you would like to meet ...

Wednesday, January 3rd, 2018

Do Now SSR Time (15 minutes) Complete log Grammar Holt Handbook  Page 99: Exercise 3 HOMEWORK: Grammar Worksheet: The Adverb Phrase  (You are finding the prepositional phrases.) Literature Discuss possible topics for Romeo and Juliet  Compare and Contrast Essay Begin writing essay if time permits HOMEWORK Grammar Worksheet: The Adverb Phrase  Continue to read SSR Book  (You should be almost finished with your FOURTH book) Think of topic for Romeo and Juliet / West Side Story Compare/Contrast Essay REMINDERS/UPCOMING WORK Romeo and Juliet Act 5 Quiz (Thursday or Friday) Romeo and Juliet Test (next week) *You may use your questions on your test. You will be handing them in for a homework grade at the end of the test. The questions must be completed in complete sentences in pen for full credit.* Romeo and Juliet/West Side Story  Compare/Contrast Essay *Think of topic* SSR Travel Brochure Project DUE JANUARY 11TH, 2018...

Tuesday, January 2nd, 2018

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Do Now Did you make any resolutions for the New Year? If not, make one now. Include anything you will do to accomplish this goal. If you have more than one, you can list them all. Grammar Complete Holt Handbook  Page 98: Exercise 2 in Grammar Section of Notebook HOMEWORK: Grammar Worksheet: The Adjective Phrase Literature Discuss Romeo and Juliet  and West Side Story characters, similarities. and differences Create list of possible topics for a compare and contrast essay Begin writing essay Homework Grammar Worksheet: The Adjective Phrase Work on Romeo and Juliet  Compare and Contrast Essay Continue to read SSR Book. You should be almost done with your FOURTH book for this school year.